Dear patient family,

We hope that you are staying healthy and safe.

Recently, we made a very difficult decision. Delta Dental insurance has become increasingly difficult to work with. They impose a massive administrative burden on our practice and we often need to do battle with them to pay even the most routine claims. When verifying, we cannot rely on their methods to give the most accurate benefits as they deny all responsibility even when a mistake is made on their part (per their fine print). Over the years, it has become noticeably clear to us and our team that Delta Dental has no interest in your oral health. We pride ourselves on providing quality, conservative, and financially transparent dental care. After very careful consideration, we made the decision to become an unrestricted provider with Delta Dental.

YOU are important to us. We made the decision to go out of network with Delta Dental because if we were to stay in-network we would not be able to provide the highest quality of dental care in the safest possible environment with financial transparency. We do NOT want to compromise our care for you! The best way to deliver on our commitment to provide you the highest quality care and safest possible environment was to become independent of their network, effective later in 2024.

What does this mean for our Delta patients? You can absolutely still come to our office for your dental care, and you can still use the benefits that your dental insurance policy provides in our office. We still work with Delta as an out-of-network provider. We still submit claims to Delta on our patients’ behalf. We still work with Delta to maximize patient benefits. We’ve found that in many cases Delta Dental’s out-of-network coverage is as good as in-network coverage. Please don’t assume that your costs will increase if you see a dentist out-of-network. What we have seen is that there will be no additional costs for our recall and cleaning appointments. As this can feel uneasy for you, trust that we will work with you as we always have and answer any of your concerns.

Upon notifying Delta Dental that we are resigning from their network, we understand that they will send a letter to policyholders. This letter is very confusing and has left some patients thinking they need to find another dentist. This is not true. You are still able to visit our office for your dental care, you can use your benefits in our office, and we will continue to help you receive your insurance policy benefits.

It is our hope that you continue to visit our office for your dental care. We have known some of you for nearly a decade now and wish to continue this relationship for the next few decades. I hope you appreciate the quality of care you receive, our commitment to treat you as we would treat a family member and the individual care and attention you receive in our office. This commitment will never change, regardless of what insurances come into play. We’ve thought through this decision very carefully and have created options to make the transition as easy, smooth, and non-impactful as possible. Please, if you have any questions or concerns, we are always here to help.


Dr. Vu and Dr. Vo

Delta Dental FAQ:

  • Who? - Delta Dental Network
  • What? - Clearstone Dental will no longer be in network status
  • When? - 6/30/2024
  • Where? - Clearstone Dental
  • Why?
    • Difficult to work with administratively
    • No accountability by Delta Dental when it comes to verifying and providing you a clear understanding of your insurance
    • Lowest reimbursement rates that have not changed for the past 9 years
  • What now?
    • We are still part of many other insurances so check with us and your HR department to see what is offered
    • We offer an in-office plan if that makes more sense for you
    • If Delta Dental is your only option, we still will file your claims and fight for you
    • Preventative procedures will likely be no out-of-pocket expenses for you
    • Treatment will still have a percentage that the insurance will cover
    • We will use the estimates from our treatment plans
    • Delta will only send the check to you and we ask that you forward that check to us once received
    • Most other offices would collect the entire fee upfront to protect themselves; however, we do not want to stress you monetarily

Our goal is to make this a seamless transition that will be unnoticeable to you financially and your patient experience. If you have any questions or concerns, always feel comfortable to ask anyone of us as we are here for you. We sincerely thank you for trusting us with your dental care.